binary search
Leetcode 1671. Minimum Number of Removals to Make Mountain Array
Solution 1: using LIS
The first idea when I saw this problem is to use already existing problem 300: Longest Increasing Subsequence (LIS), you can see my solutions with explanations here https://leetcode.com/problems/longest-increasing-subsequence/discuss/667975/Python-3-Lines-dp-with-binary-search-explained
So, the idea is the following: split our list into two parts, and find LIS for left part and also Longest Decreasing Subsequence for the second part. However we need to handle couple of things before: first of all, we want our LIS end with index i
, so for this we can remove all elements which are less than nums[i]
from our part. The same we do for the right part and we also reverse it. Finally, find LIS for these parts and if lengths of both parts 2
or more, it means we can construct Mountain Array, so we update our max_found
Complexity: time complexity it is O(n log n)
for one LIS, so it will be O(n^2 log n)
for all partitions, space complexity is O(n)
class Solution:
def minimumMountainRemovals(self, nums):
def lengthOfLIS(nums):
dp = [10**10] * (len(nums) + 1)
for elem in nums:
dp[bisect.bisect_left(dp, elem)] = elem
return dp.index(10**10)
max_found = 0
n = len(nums)
for i in range(1, n - 1):
left = [num for num in nums[:i] if num < nums[i]] + [nums[i]]
right = [nums[i]] + [num for num in nums[i+1:] if num < nums[i]]
right = right[::-1]
a, b = lengthOfLIS(left), lengthOfLIS(right)
if a >=2 and b >= 2:
max_found = max(max_found, a + b - 1)
return n - max_found
Solution 2, using pure dp
Actually, it can be done in easier way: let dp1[i]
be maximum length of LIS, ending with element index i
and dp2[i]
be maximum length of Mountain array. Then, update of dp1
is straightforward: iterate over all previous elements and update it. For dp2[i]
we again need to iterate over all previous elements and if nums[j] < nums[i]
, we can update dp2[i]
, using dp2[j] + 1
or dp1[j] + 1
Complexity: time complexity is O(n^2)
, space complexity is O(n)
class Solution:
def minimumMountainRemovals(self, nums):
n = len(nums)
dp1, dp2 = [1]*n, [1]*n
for i in range(1, n):
for j in range(i):
if nums[j] < nums[i]: dp1[i] = max(dp1[i], 1+dp1[j])
if nums[j] > nums[i]:
if dp1[j] > 1: dp2[i] = max(dp2[i], 1 + dp1[j])
if dp2[j] > 1: dp2[i] = max(dp2[i], 1 + dp2[j])
return n - max(dp2)
Solution 3, O(n log n)
Actually, we can update LIS solution we already have, but now we need to return also lens
array, where lens[i]
is the lenght of LIS, ending with index i
class Solution:
def minimumMountainRemovals(self, nums):
def LIS(nums):
dp = [10**10] * (len(nums) + 1)
lens = [0]*len(nums)
for i, elem in enumerate(nums):
lens[i] = bisect_left(dp, elem) + 1
dp[lens[i] - 1] = elem
return lens
l1, l2 = LIS(nums), LIS(nums[::-1])[::-1]
ans, n = 0, len(nums)
for i in range(n):
if l1[i] >= 2 and l2[i] >= 2:
ans = max(ans, l1[i] + l2[i] - 1)
return n - ans
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