binary search
Leetcode 1618 Maximum Font to Fit a Sentence in a Screen
Problem statement
The idea is just to use simple binary search. Here I added two border cases to fonts
: zero and infinite, actually fontInfo
will neve be taken with this values, because they are on the border.
Time complexity is O(N*log M)
, where N
is size of text and M
is size of fonts
. Space comlexity is O(M)
, because I used dummy variables. Space can be done in O(1)
as well, if we rewrite binary steps a bit.
class Solution:
def maxFont(self, text, w, h, fonts, fontInfo):
fonts = [0] + fonts + [float("inf")]
beg, end = 0, len(fonts) - 1
while beg + 1 < end:
mid = (beg + end)//2
total_w = sum(fontInfo.getWidth(fonts[mid], c) for c in text)
total_h = fontInfo.getHeight(fonts[mid])
if total_w <= w and total_h <= h:
beg = mid
end = mid
return fonts[beg] if beg > 0 else -1