Problem statement


  1. Find longest not-decreasing prefix and suffix.
  2. For each element from suffix use binary search to find where we can start prefix.


It is O(n log n) for time and O(n) for space.


class Solution:
    def findLengthOfShortestSubarray(self, A):
        if A == sorted(A): return 0
        n = len(A)
        pref, i = [A[0]], 0
        while A[i + 1] >= A[i]:
            pref += [A[i + 1]]
            i += 1
        suff, i = [A[-1]], n - 1
        while A[i - 1] <= A[i]:
            suff += [A[i - 1]]
            i -= 1
        ans = len(pref)  
        for i, x in enumerate(suff):
            ans = max(ans, i + bisect.bisect(pref, x) + 1)     
        return n - ans   


Once we found the biggest prefix and suffix, we can use two pointers/sliding window approach to get O(n) total time complexity, similar to merge sort.