Problem statement

Solution 1

Note first of all that we always need to take dishes with increasing satisfaction levels. define dp(i, c), where i is reached dish, c is coefficient of satisfaction. On each step we either dake dish or not.


It is O(n^2) for time and space


class Solution:
    def maxSatisfaction(self, S):
        def dp(i, c):   #i is reached dish, c is coefficient
            if i == -1: return -abs(c)*100000
            return max(dp(i - 1, c - 1) + c*S[i], dp(i - 1, c))
        S, n = sorted(S), len(S)
        return max(dp(n - 1, c) for c in range(n + 1))

Solution 2

There is also O(n log n) time complexity solution, where we use the idea of accumulate sums: we need to sort data and then take the biggest one A1, then we add (A1 + A2) if it is positive, then add (A1 + A2 + A3) and so on.



class Solution:
    def maxSatisfaction(self, S):
        return max(0, max(accumulate(accumulate(sorted(S)[::-1]))))