Problem statement


It is not clear at all, what to do if we start from [1, ..., 1] and move towards target list. However if we reverse our process, each step will be unique. Imagine, that we have [1, 3, 5]. What step we can do backwards: there is not choice: we need to take the biggest value 5 and subtract sum of all other elements from this value: 5 - (3 + 1) = 1, so on the next step we have [1, 3, 1]. Note also that it does not matter what order our numbers in list are, actually what matters are two values on each step:

  1. The biggest element in our list.
  2. The sum of all elements in our list.

The ideal data structure for this is heap: note, that we will put negative elements inside, because we need max, not min.

Finally, our algorithm will look like this:

  1. Put all negative elements to heap and evaluate sum s of all elements.
  2. Start to do steps: extract the biggest elements elem. If it is equal to 1, we are good: it means, that all smaller elements also equal to 1 and we can return True. If it happen that s == elem, it means that we actually have only one element in target, and it is not equal to 1: we can not do anything with it, so we return False.
  3. Next, we need to put new element in our heap. And here we have another subtle point: imagine, that we have [100, 3]. Then on the next step we have [97, 3], then [94, 3] and so on. In the given example we need only 33 steps to converge, however if we have [10000000, 1] we will get TLE for sure. Note, that what we did is similar to one step of Eucledian algorithm, there is classical improvement, where instead of (m, n) -> (m-n, n) step we do (m, n) -> (m%n, n) step. Note also, that in the case [99, 3] we want to stop on [3, 3], not going to [0, 3], so we need to modify step a bit: I did it using cand = (elem - 1) % (s - elem) + 1. Here s - elem is sum of all elements except elem.
  4. Check if cand == elem and if it is the case, it means, that we can not do the step, so we are stuch and we return False.
  5. Finally, we update s: subtract elem and add new element cand and push -cand to our heap.


This is the most interesting part for me. Let us look at Eucledian algorithm first, say with numbers (34, 21). Why I choose these numbers? They are Fibonacci numbers, and it happens that for these values Eucledian algorithm will work the slowest: (34, 21) -> (21, 13) -> (13, 8) -> (8, 5) -> (5, 3) -> (3, 2) -> (2,1). Working time for it will be O(log(m+n)). Note, this is not a proof I gave here, but just intuition, for more details please check wikipedia.

So, what is the final complexity of our problem? I believe it is O(n + n*log n + log T * log n), where n is the size of target and T is the biggest number among target, however I do not have proof for this at the moment. Space complexity is O(n).


class Solution:
    def isPossible(self, target):
        heap = []
        for num in target: heappush(heap, -num)
        s = sum(target)
        while True:
            elem = -heappop(heap)
            if elem == 1: return True
            if s == elem: return False
            cand = (elem - 1) % (s - elem) + 1
            if cand == elem: return False
            s = s - elem + cand
            heappush(heap, -cand)