bit manipulation
Leetcode 1125. Smallest Sufficient Team
Problem statement
Solution 1
dp(i, mask)
is minimum number of people needed to cover mask if we already covered i
persons. This function will return two values: (minimum number of people, last taken), we need it to recunstuct answer.
Time and space complexity is O(k*2^n)
class Solution:
def smallestSufficientTeam(self, req_skills, people):
d = {s:i for i, s in enumerate(req_skills)}
masks = [sum(1<<d[skill] for skill in p) for p in people]
n, k = len(req_skills), len(people)
def dp(i, mask):
if i == -1: return (mask*1000, -1)
cand1 = dp(i-1, mask)
cand2 = (dp(i-1, mask & ~masks[i])[0] + 1, i)
return min(cand1, cand2)
mask, ans = (1<<n) - 1, []
while mask:
steps, last = dp(k - 1, mask)
mask &= ~masks[last]
return ans
Solution 2
Actually, we can write it in more shorter way if we keep not the last person used, but bitmask of used one (we have at most 60, so it will fit in long not only in python)
It is the same as previous approach: time and space is O(k*2^n)
class Solution:
def smallestSufficientTeam(self, req_skills, people):
d = {s:i for i, s in enumerate(req_skills)}
masks = [sum(1<<d[s] for s in p) for p in people]
n, k = len(req_skills), len(people)
def dp(i, mask):
if i == -1: return (mask*1000, 0)
steps, peop = dp(i-1, mask & ~masks[i])
return min(dp(i-1, mask), (steps + 1, peop + (1<<i)))
M = dp(k - 1, (1<<n) - 1)[1]
return [i for i in range(k) if M & (1<<i) != 0]