Leetcode 1058 Minimize Rounding Error to Meet Target
Problem statement
Let us have numbers $x_1, x_2, \dots, x_n$. Let us also denote $d_1, d_2, \dots, d_n$ their fraction parts. And by $s_1, s_2, \dots, s_n$ their integer parts. Then we need to have condition $s_1 + \dots + s_n <= target <= s_1 + \dots + s_n + n$ and if it is not holds, return -1
Then we need to evaluate ceils
is number of values we need to take ceil so in total we have sum target
. We need to take target
of them with ceil and n - ceils = k
of them with floor. So, we need to minimuize
$q_1 + \dots + q_k + (1-q_{k+1} + \dots + 1 - q_n)$, where $q_i$ is some permutation of $d_i$. It can be rewritten as $q_1 + \dots + q_n + (1-2q_{k+1} + \dots + 1-2q_{n})$. First part is constant, we need to minimize the second one, so we need to take biggest n-k = ceils
values and ceils of them and take k
smallest values and take floors of them.
Time complexity is O(n log n)
, space complexity is O(n)
class Solution:
def minimizeError(self, prices, target):
diff = []
low, high = 0, 0
for i, p in enumerate(map(float, prices)):
f = floor(p)
low += f
x = p - f
high += f + (x!= 0)
if x != 0:
diff.append((x, 1-x))
if not low <= target <= high:
return "-1"
diff = sorted(diff)[::-1]
ceils = target - low
return "{:.3f}".format(sum([d[1] for d in diff[:ceils]]) + sum([d[0] for d in diff[ceils:]]))