Problem statement


We need to find two places i and j, such that:

  1. arr[i] > arr[j]
  2. i is as right as possible.
  3. We look for the biggest digit smaller than arr[i] to the right of i.
  4. For fixed digit we want to have the rightest place.

So we traverse from the end, for each digit keeping the leftest index so far. For each place i we look for digit smaller than arr[i] and we start from biggest digits first.


It is O(n * 10) for time and O(n) for space.


class Solution:
    def prevPermOpt1(self, arr):
        n = len(arr)
        d = {}
        for i in range(n - 1, -1, -1):
            d[arr[i]] = i
            for dig in range(arr[i] - 1, -1, -1):
                if dig in d:
                    arr[i], arr[d[dig]] = arr[d[dig]], arr[i]
                    return arr
        return arr