Problem statement


We can reformulate the problem as follows: given values x1, x2, ..., xn put + or - sign between then such that we get the smallest absolute value. Notice that not every sum with + and - correspond to some process, for example if we have (9, 4, 3), we can not have 9 + 4 - 3. However for every such position we can look at if we stopped earlier at 9, (4 - 3) step. Then when we continue the process, we can only decrease value. So, for every position which can not be reached there exist smaller position we can reach, so it is safe to choose the smallest absolute value.


It is O(M*n^2), where M = max(stones) and n = len(stones).


class Solution:
    def lastStoneWeightII(self, stones):
        vals = set([0])
        for x in stones:
            vals2 = set([])
            for y in vals:
                vals2.add(y - x)
                vals2.add(y + x)
            vals = vals2
        return min(abs(x) for x in vals)


We can reformulate as we choose some subset of stones and make sum as close to sum(stones)/2 as possible.