bit manipulation
Leetcode 1016. Binary String With Substrings Representing 1 To N
Problem statement
First of all if n is big, then we have at least n//3
substrings of the same length and if n > len(s) * 3
, we do not have enough substrings of the same length. In the opposite case we can check bruteforce: complexity will be O(n^2)
It is O(n^2)
for time and O(n)
for space.
class Solution:
def queryString(self, s, n):
if n > len(s) * 3: return False
return all(bin(i + 1)[2:] in s for i in range(n))
Solution 2
We can check all substrings of length <= log(n)
Time complexity is O(s log^2n)
class Solution:
def queryString(self, s, n):
ans = set()
for i in range(len(s)):
for ii in range(i, i + n.bit_length()):
x = int(s[i:ii+1], 2)
if 1 <= x <= n: ans.add(x)
return len(ans) == n
We can also put all these substrings in trie and get O(s log n)
solution. Or we can check range (N//2, N]
only and check substrings of length log(n)
and log(n) - 1