Problem statement


Very similar to Leetcode 0415. Add Strings, use schoolbook sum.


It is O(n), where n is the length of num1.


class Solution:
    def addToArrayForm(self, num1, k):
        num2 = str(k)
        l1, l2, carry, ans = len(num1) - 1, len(num2) - 1, 0, []
        while l1 >= 0 or l2 >= 0 or carry:
            d1 = int(num1[l1]) if l1 >= 0 else 0
            d2 = int(num2[l2]) if l2 >= 0 else 0
            carry, digit = divmod(d1 + d2 + carry, 10)
            ans += [str(digit)]
            l1, l2 = l1 - 1, l2 - 1
        return ans[::-1]