Problem statement


First, we need to find two islands, using dfs. Then we use bfs, where we put one island fully to queue and run it.


It is O(mn) for time and space.


class Solution:
    def shortestBridge(self, grid):
        m, n, num = len(grid), len(grid[0]), 2
        comps = defaultdict(list)
        def dfs(i, j, k):
            if not 0 <= i < m or not 0 <= j < n or grid[i][j] != 1:
            grid[i][j] = k
            comps[k] += [(i, j)]
            for x, y in [[i+1,j],[i-1,j],[i,j-1],[i,j+1]]:
                dfs(x, y, k)

        for i, j in product(range(m), range(n)):
            if grid[i][j] == 1:
                dfs(i, j, num)
                num += 1

        V = set()
        q = deque([(-1, x, y) for x, y in comps[2]])
        while q:
            dist, i, j = q.popleft()
            if grid[i][j] == 3: return dist
            for x, y in [[i+1,j],[i-1,j],[i,j-1],[i,j+1]]:
                if not 0 <= x < m or not 0 <= y < n or grid[x][y] == 2 or (x, y) in V: continue
                V.add((x, y))
                q += [(dist + 1, x, y)]