Problem statement


In this problem we need to split number into three parts, such that number in each part after removed all zeroes are equal.

  1. Let us check all the places, where we have 1. Let us have m elements such that.
  2. If m == 0, it means that we have all zeroes, so we can split in any way, let us split it [0, 2].
  3. If m is not divisible by 3, we can return [-1, -1] immedietly, because if we can have three equal parts, number of ones in these parts must be the same.
  4. Let us find now 6 indexes: p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, where p1 is index of first 1, p2 is index of last one in first part, p3 is index of fisrt one in second part, and so on. Then it is necessary that A[p1:p2+1] equal to A[p3:p4+1] equal to A[p5:p6+1]. Note that is is not sufficient though, because we can add some zeroes in the ends. So, if this condition do not holds, we return [-1, -1].
  5. Evaluate lengths of how many zeros we can add in the end: l1, l2, l3. For l3 we do not have any choice: we need to take all there zeroes. For l1 and l2 we can put zeroes in the beginning of one number or to the end of the next, so the options we have are: [0, ..., l1] for the first, [0, ..., l2] for the second and [l3] for third. So, if l3 > l2 or l3 > l1, we can not make parts equal and we return [-1, -1].
  6. In the end return [p2 + l3, p4 + l3 + 1], in this way in each part we have l3 zeroes in the end.


Time complexity is O(n), space complexity is O(n) as well to keep array of indexes.


class Solution:
    def threeEqualParts(self, A):
        n = len(A)
        indexes = [i for i in range(n) if A[i] == 1]
        m = len(indexes)
        if m == 0: return [0, 2]
        if m % 3 != 0: return [-1, -1]
        p1, p2 = indexes[0], indexes[m//3-1]
        p3, p4 = indexes[m//3], indexes[2*m//3-1]
        p5, p6 = indexes[2*m//3], indexes[-1]
        part1, part2, part3 = A[p1:p2+1], A[p3:p4+1], A[p5:p6+1]
        if part1 != part2 or part2 != part3: return [-1, -1]
        l1 = p3 - p2 - 1
        l2 = p5 - p4 - 1
        l3 = n - p6 - 1
        if l3 > l2 or l3 > l1: return [-1, -1]
        return [p2 + l3, p4 + l3 + 1]