The idea here is to use counters: we need to find elements from A, for which each string from B have less or equal frequencies for each symbol. Let us create cnt: counter, with maximal values for each letter, that is if we have B = [abb, bcc], then we have cnt = {a:1, b:2 ,c:2}. In python it can be written using | symbol.

Second step is for each string a from A calcuate counter and check that it is bigger for each element than cnt. Again in python it can be don in very short way, using not cnt - Counter(a).

Complexity: time complexity is O(m + n), where m is total length of words in A and m is total length of words in n. Space complexity is O(m), because potentially answe can consist all strings from A.

class Solution:
    def wordSubsets(self, A, B):
        cnt = Counter()
        for b in B:
            cnt |= Counter(b)
        return [a for a in A if not cnt - Counter(a)]

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