Problem statement


Denote $q_0, \dots, q_{n-1}$ qualities and by $w_0, \dots w_{n-1}$ wages. Then our goal is to find such indexes $i_1,\dots i_k$, for which \(\alpha (q_{i_1} + \dots + q_{i_k})\) is minimized, where $\alpha\cdot q_{i_1} \geqslant w_{i_1}, \dots \alpha\cdot q_{i_k} \geqslant w_{i_k}$. Let us call $\alpha$ level of salary: so here we need to chose $\alpha = \max \limits_{j = 1\dots k} w_{i_j}/q_{i_j}$: so we can see that there will be at most $n$ different levels of salary we can choose.

Now, let us sort our data by levels of salary: $s_0 \leqslant s_1 \leqslant \dots \leqslant s_{n-1}$.

If we choose level $\alpha_0$, then we can hire only $1$ person: with index $0$, if we choose level $\alpha_1$, then we can hire $2$ persons: with indexes $0$ and $1$ and so on. We can start with index $k-1$, where we can hire $k$ persons. Now, imagine we reached level $s_l$, $l\geqslant k$ of salary: then we can hire $l+1$ first persons, how we choose, which ones? We need to take persons with smallest qualities (see equation, $\alpha$ is fixed). So, we will keep max heap with k smallest qualities, and on each step, when new person arrives, we update it: if new element is bigger than root of heap, we do nothing, if it is smaller, we push it to heap and remove root in O(log k). Also we recalculate sum of element in heap in O(1). Finally, we update our ans.


Time complexity is O(n log k), space complexity is O(n).


class Solution:
    def mincostToHireWorkers(self, quality, wage, K):
        nums = sorted((w/q, q) for q, w in zip(quality, wage))
        n, heap = len(nums), []
        for i in range(K): heappush(heap, -nums[i][1])
        sum_q, level = -sum(heap), nums[K-1][0]
        ans = sum_q * level
        for i in range(K, n):
            if nums[i][1] <= - heap[0]:
                heappush(heap, -nums[i][1])
                t = heappop(heap)
                sum_q = sum_q + t + nums[i][1]
            ans = min(ans, nums[i][0] * sum_q)
        return ans