Problem statement

Solution 1

Notice, that person with age A will request persons with age B if and only if:

  1. if A >= 100, then 0.5A + 7 < B <= A
  2. if A < 100, then 0.5A + 7 < B < min(A, 100) = A, which is exactly the same as previous condition, so actually third condition is redundant here.

So, what we can do is to sort our numbers and then do binary search. Notice also that person with age <= 14 will not have any requests, because interval is empty.


Time complexity will be O(n log n), space complexity is O(n).


from bisect import bisect

class Solution:
    def numFriendRequests(self, ages):
        ans = 0
        for A in ages:
            if A >= 15:
                ans += (bisect(ages, A) - bisect(ages, A/2+7)) - 1
        return ans

Solution 2

There is also O(n + A) solution, where A is range of ages: count each age and then calculate number of connections for each age.


It is O(n + A) for time and O(A) for space.


class Solution:
    def numFriendRequests(self, ages):
        cnt = [0]*121
        for a in ages: cnt[a] += 1    
        acc = list(accumulate(cnt))
        return sum(cnt[i] * (acc[i] - acc[i//2+7] - 1) for i in range(15, 121))