Problem statement


For each channel (R, G, B): we need to find closest color: we will use closest(s) function for this. We need to find the closest between given color s and colors 00, 11, 22, ... , ff: which are represented as 0, 17, 34, ... 17 * 15 in decimal base. When we found closest, we transform it back, using hex function. Finally, we go through 3 parts and create number.


Time complexity is O(16 * 3), because for each of 3 blocks we check 16 different options.


class Solution(object):
    def similarRGB(self, color):
        def closest(s):
            t = min(range(16), key = lambda x: abs(17*x - int(s, 16)))
            return hex(t)[2:]*2

        return "#" + "".join(closest(color[2*i+1:2*i+3]) for i in range(3))


Actually, we can check not 16 options, but only two, but here it is not worth it, complexity is already very small.