Leetcode 0730 Count Different Palindromic Subsequences
Problem statement
The idea is to define dp[i, j]
be the answer for substing S[i:j+1]
(we also count empty substing, so we will subtract 1
in the end). Then let us find the leftest and the rightest a
in this substing: it will be number of unique substrings with ending elements equal to a
. In the same way we evaluate number of substrings with ending elements b, c, d
. Also we need to check one more border case: substrings with length 1
Time complexity is O(n^2d)
, where d = 4
here is size of alphabet, space complexity is O(n^2)
class Solution:
def countPalindromicSubsequences(self, S):
def letter_get(s, letter, dir):
res, cur = [-1]*len(s), -1
for i in range(len(s))[::dir]:
if s[i] == letter: cur = i
res[i] = cur
return res
corrs_dir = defaultdict(list)
corrs_inv = defaultdict(list)
for letter in "abcd":
corrs_dir[letter] = letter_get(S, letter, 1)
corrs_inv[letter] = letter_get(S, letter, -1)
n, MOD = len(S), 10**9 + 7
def dp(i, j):
if i > j: return 1
ans = 1
for letter in "abcd":
i0 = corrs_inv[letter][i]
j0 = corrs_dir[letter][j]
if i <= i0 <= j: ans += 1 #single letter
if -1 < i0 < j0: ans += dp(i0+1, j0-1) #...X_X... case
return ans % MOD
return dp(0, n-1) - 1