Problem statement


I assume here, that we can not use lower() function, because in the opposite case we can just return s.lower(). If we are not allowed to do it on real interview: we need to traverse our string and look at symbols. What we need to do is to make each capital letter small letter, that is A -> a, B -> b, ... Z -> z. Codes of all small letters are adjacent and codes of all capital letters are adjacent too, so to make capital letter small, we can use chr(ord(i) + 32), where 32 = ord("a") - ord("A"). Then we just combine our string back.


Time and space complexity is O(n), where n is the length of s.


class Solution:
    def toLowerCase(self, s):
        return "".join(chr(ord(i) + 32) if "A" <= i <= "Z" else i for i in s)