This is exercise to undertand what is Binary Search Tree and how it works. Remember, that left subtree is always lesser than root and right subtree is always bigger than root. So, what we need to do? We start from the root of our tree and compare value in its root. If value we are looking is less than value in root, we go left, if it is more, we go to the right. When we stop? Either if we found place, where these two values are equal, or we reached NULL leaf (it means we visited leaf and descended to its NULL children). In this cases we save found node to global variable, which we return in the end.

Complexity, both time and space is O(h), where h is heigth of our tree.

Remark: I used helper function, which is not necessary here, but in this way the code is more universal for different trees traversal problems, where you need to return more difficult objects.

class Solution:
    def helper(self, root):
        if not root or root.val == self.val: 
            self.Found = root
            return root
        if root.val < self.val:
            return self.helper(root.right)
        if root.val > self.val:
            return self.helper(root.left)
    def searchBST(self, root, val):
        self.val = val
        self.Found = None
        return self.Found

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