bit manipulation
Leetcode 0691 Stickers to Spell Word
Problem statement
Solution 1
Actually, it is very similar to Problem 0638 Shopping Offers if we work with letters frequencies.
Time Complexity: O(2^T * S * T)
, where S
is the total number of letters in all stickers, and T
is the number of letters in the target word: we have O(2^T)
states, S
possible steps from each state and O(T)
time to generate each of these steps. Note, that we use here also if c[state[0]] == 0: continue
line which forces us on each step take sticker which decrease frequency of the smallest letter in our state
. In fact it will increase our speed like 10-20 times, because of early stoppings.
class Solution:
def minStickers(self, stickers, target):
stickers = [Counter(s) for s in stickers if set(s) & set(target)]
def dfs(state):
if not state: return 0
cnt, res = Counter(state), float('inf')
for c in stickers:
if c[state[0]] == 0: continue
nxt = dfs(''.join([s * t for (s, t) in (cnt - c).items()]))
res = min(res, 1 + nxt)
return res
res = dfs(target)
return res if res != float("inf") else -1
Solution 2
There is a solution, which has the same complexity (there is O(2^T * S)
states with O(T)
time to check one state), but which works 10 times slower, because of sparsity of our data: in a lot of cases our \texttt{nxt} will be the same as \texttt{state}, but we can not check it quickly in $O(1)$ as we did in previous approach.
Is the same as previous, but can work slower.
class Solution:
def minStickers(self, stickers, target):
stickers = [Counter(s) for s in stickers if set(s) & set(target)]
def dfs(state, q):
if not state: return 0
if q >= len(stickers): return float("inf")
nxt = ''.join([s * t for (s, t) in (Counter(state) - stickers[q]).items()])
if nxt == state: return dfs(state, q+1)
return min(dfs(state, q+1), dfs(nxt, q) + 1)
res = dfs(target, 0)
return res if res != float("inf") else -1
There is also solution, using binary masks with the same complexity, need to investigate.