Leetcode 0641 Design Circular Deque
Problem statement
Very similar to Problem 0622 Design Circular Queue, here we just need to implement two more functions.
Time complexity of each operation is O(1)
, space complexity is O(k)
. See problem 0622 for notations of self.end
and self.front
: first one points at the end element and the second points one element after front element.
class MyCircularDeque:
def __init__(self, k: int):
self.CircDueue = [-1]*k
self.k, self.front, self.end = k, 0, 0
def insertFront(self, value):
if self.isFull(): return False
self.CircDueue[self.front % self.k] = value
self.front += 1
return True
def insertLast(self, value):
if self.isFull(): return False
self.end -= 1
self.CircDueue[self.end % self.k] = value
return True
def deleteFront(self):
if self.isEmpty(): return False
self.front -= 1
self.CircDueue[self.front % self.k] = -1
return True
def deleteLast(self):
if self.isEmpty(): return False
self.CircDueue[self.end % self.k] = -1
self.end += 1
return True
def getFront(self):
if self.isEmpty(): return -1
return self.CircDueue[(self.front - 1) % self.k]
def getRear(self):
if self.isEmpty(): return -1
return self.CircDueue[self.end % self.k]
def isEmpty(self):
return self.front == self.end
def isFull(self):
return self.front - self.end == self.k