Let us consider several cases and underatand, what is going on:

  1. Case, when we have empty cases in the start (or end), like 1.., 01.., 001.., 0001.., 00001.., … We can notice, that if we have k zeroes, than we can put no more than k//2 flowers.
  2. Case in the middle, like ..11.., ..101.., ..1001.., ..10001.., ..100001..: in this case we can notice, tha we can put no more than (k-1)//2 flowers in each group.

How to handle this two groups so they work in the same way? Add 0 to the beginning and to the end of our flowerbed. Next step is to use groupby: which will evaluate lengths of each group. Finally, we choose only even element from our list of lengths, for each element evaluate (i-1)//2 maximum number of flowers we can plant into this group, sum them and check if this number is more or equal to n.

Complexity: time complexity is O(n), space complexity is also O(n).

class Solution:
    def canPlaceFlowers(self, flowerbed, n):
        t = [len(list(j)) for i, j in groupby([0] + flowerbed + [0])]
        return sum((i-1)//2 for i in t[0::2]) >= n

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