Problem statement


Let dp(N, i, j) be number of solutions if we start from point (i, j) and we an make at most N steps. Then we need to consider the cases:

  1. If i == m or j == n or i < 0 or j < 0, it means that we reached boundary, so we return 1: we found one more path.
  2. If N == 0, it means, that we out of moves, and we did not reached boundary yet, so we return 0.
  3. Finally, we try to make 4 steps to all directions and return sum of all number of options. Note, that we visit this 3-rd line only if N >= 1, so when we call function with first argument N-1, number of moves never be negative.


We have O(m*n*N) states with 4 moves from each state, so we have time and space complexity O(m*n*N).


class Solution:
    def findPaths(self, m, n, N, i, j):
        M = 10**9+7
        def dfs(N, i, j):
            if i == m or j == n or i < 0 or j < 0: return 1
            if N == 0: return 0
            return sum(dfs(N-1,i+x,j+y) for x,y in [[-1,0],[1,0],[0,-1],[0,1]])%M
        return dfs(N,i,j)

Solution 2

This solution is inspired by this idea The idea is to reformulate problem as graph traversal problem, where we need to find number of paths. We have mn states in our grid and we create (m+2)*(n+2) x (m+2)*(n+2) adjacency matrix, where we add empty border.


It is O(n^3*m^3*log(N)), because we need to evaluate power of matrix. Unfortunatelly it will give TLE in this problem, however I think it can be interesting to investigate this approach.


import numpy as np

class Solution:
    def findPaths(self, m, n, N, a, b):
        def power(M, n, MOD):
            result = np.eye(len(M), dtype = int)
            while n > 0:
                if n%2: result =, result) % MOD
                M =, M) % MOD
                n //= 2
            return result

        M, MOD = np.zeros(((m+2)*(n+2), (m+2)*(n+2)), dtype = int), 10**9+7
        neibs = [[0,1],[0,-1],[1,0],[-1,0]]

        for i in range(0, m+2):
            for j in range(0, n+2):
                if i == 0 or i == m+1 or j == 0 or j == n+1:
                    M[i*(n+2)+j][i*(n+2)+j] = 1
                    for dx, dy in neibs:
                        M[i*(n+2)+j][(i+dx)*(n+2)+(j+dy)] = 1

        S = power(M, N, MOD)
        T = S[(a+1)*(n+2)+b+1]
        return int(T.sum() - T.reshape(m+2, n+2)[1:m+1,1:n+1].sum()) % MOD