This problem is nothing else, but generalization of problem 392. Is Subsequence, but here here we have one main string s and bunch of substrings we need to look inside. You can see my solution for this problem here

Let us now iterate over strings d here and if we found subsequence of s, we update our ans: fisrt check length and then lexicographical order.

Complexity: time complexity will be O(mn), where m is number of strings in d and n is length of s. Space complexity is O(n).

class Solution:
    def isSubsequence(self, s, t):
        s_i, t_i = 0, 0
        while s_i < len(s) and t_i < len(t):
            s_i, t_i = s_i + (s[s_i] == t[t_i]), t_i + 1
        return s_i == len(s)
    def findLongestWord(self, s, d):
        ans = ""
        for string in d:
            if self.isSubsequence(string, s):
                ans = min(ans, string, key = lambda x: (-len(x), x))
        return ans

PS: there is also very elegant oneliner for isSubsequence function, which has the same complexity as my function, but works several times faster due to low-level python language optimizations. However, I think nobody expect this code on real interview and it is more for constests trick in my opinion.

return all(c in (t:=iter(t)) for c in s)

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