Problem statement

Solution 1

Interesting problem with is almost purely mathematical. There is brute-force approach, which is to start from the biggest possible palindrome and try to find its divisors, which are more than square root of it.


It is difficult to estimate, I think something between O(10^(n/2)) and O(10^n)`.


class Solution:
    def largestPalindrome(self, n):
        if n == 1: return 9
        cand = 10**n-1
        while True:
            Number = int(str(cand) + str(cand)[::-1])
            root = math.ceil(math.sqrt(Number))
            for div in range(root, 10**n):
                if Number % div == 0:
                    return Number % 1337
            cand -= 1

Solution 2

There is smarter mathematical solution. Let our palindrome be equal to $U\cdot 10^n\cdot U + L = (10^n - a)(10^n - b)$, where $U$ is reverse of $L$ and $a$ and $b$ are potentially small numbers. This leads to $(a+b-10^n+U)\cdot 10^n = ab - L$. We can assume that $a+b = 10^n - U$ and $ab = L$ if $n$ is big enough (why though, I fail to prove). Then we can solve this quadratic equation, given $U$ and $L$ and check if it has roots.


It is faster than previous approach, but again difficult to say, I should say around O(10^(n/2)).


class Solution(object):
    def largestPalindrome(self, n):
        if n <= 2: return [9,987][n-1]

        for a in range(2, 10**n):
            hi = (10**n)-a
            lo = int(str(hi)[::-1])
            cand = a*a - 4*lo
            if cand < 0: continue
            if math.sqrt(cand) == int(math.sqrt(cand)):
                return int(str(hi)+str(hi)[::-1]) % 1337