Problem statement


Special case of Problem 698 Partition to K Equal Sum Subsets, but here we need to partition into 4 equal sums, we say, put them into buckets (or sides of square).

Please also check my post for more problems which can be solved with this technique.

Denote by dp(mask) possibility to put numbers from bitmask mask into say k subsets, such that sum inside each of the first k-1 subsets is equal to basket . In more detais: we return -1 if this partition is not possible and we return t >= 0, if it is possible, where t is remainder when we divide sum of all used numbers so far by basket: value, of how many we need to put in each group. Given our mask there is several options about what matchstick can be taken the last: the places, where we meet 1 bit. So, if neib is answer for smaller problem with this match removed dfs(mask ^ 1<<j), and neib >= 0, that is solution exists, and neib + nums[j] <= basket, that is we still have place in the last backet, then we return (neib + nums[j]) % basket. We use % here, because basked can be filled fully and in this case we need to start new one.


We have O(2^n) states with O(n) transactions for each one, so overall time complexity is (2^n * n) and space complexity is O(2^n).


class Solution:
    def makesquare(self, nums):
        N = len(nums)
        basket, rem = divmod(sum(nums), 4)
        if rem or max(nums) > basket: return False
        def dfs(mask):
            if mask == 0: return 0
            for j in range(N):
                if mask & 1<<j:
                    neib = dfs(mask ^ 1<<j)
                    if neib >= 0 and neib + nums[j] <= basket:
                        return (neib + nums[j]) % basket
            return -1
        return dfs((1<<N) - 1) == 0