We are asked to find the number of positions, where x and y have equal bits. It is the same as finding number of 1 bits in number t = x^y. There is efficient way to find number of 1 bits in any number, using t = t&(t-1) trick: this operation in fact removes the last 1 bit from t. So, we just apply this rule in loop and increment our counter Out.

Complexity is O(k), where k is Hamming distance between numbers x and y, memory is O(1). Note, that it works (twice?) faster than usual bit counts, which have always 32 iterations.

class Solution:
    def hammingDistance(self, x, y):
        Out, t = 0, x^y 
        while t:
            t, Out = t & (t-1), Out + 1
        return Out

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