We need 1 coin for first level, 2 coins for second level and so on. So, if we have s layers, we need exactly 1+2+...+s = s*(s+1)/2 coins. Reformulating problem statement, we need to find the biggest s, such that s*(s+1)/2 <= n or s^2 + s - 2n <= 0. This is quadratic inequality, and to solve it we need to find roots of s^2 + s - 2n = 0 equation first: image

Complexity: both time and space is O(1).

Other solutions: we can do it in O(n) with linear search, if we just add level by level. We can also use binary search with O(log n) complexity.

class Solution:
    def arrangeCoins(self, n):
        return int(sqrt(2*n + 0.25) - 0.5)

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