Problem statement


First solution is to notice that if number is even, that we always need to divide it by 2. If number is even, like 21, we have two optoins: to make it 10 or 11 in two steps. Notice that one of these two options will always be even and another odd, so if we have options 2x, 2x + 1 on some step, on the next steps we have options x, x+1, that is again no more than two options, which leads to good complexity.


It is O(log n) for time, because on each level we have no more than 2 options and O(log n) for space due to recursion stack.


class Solution:
    def integerReplacement(self, n):
        def dp(x):
            if x == 1: return 0
            if x % 2 == 0: return dp(x//2) + 1
            return min(dp((x+1)//2), dp((x-1)//2)) + 2
        return dp(n)


We can also use the following observation: if we have number 4n+3, n>0, in two steps we can either achieve 2n+1 or 2n+2 and it can be shown that 2n+2 is better: it includes all solutions which 2n+1 have. Also if we have 4n + 1, and we have choice 2n and 2n+1, we always need to choose 2n. Overall time complexity is O(log n), because each two iterations number decrease at least twice and space complexity is O(1).