Let us solve this question for follow-up question: we do not want to use additional memory here. There is specific method for this, whith is called reservoir sampling (actually, special case of it), which I am going to explain now. Imagine, that we have only 3 nodes in our linked list, then we do the following logic:

  1. On the first step we either stay in first node with probability 1/2 or go to the next one also with probability 1/2.
  2. On the second step, we do the following: if we are in node number 1, then we stay in this node with probability 2/3 and go to node number 2 with probability 1/3. If we in node number 2, then we stay in it with probability 1/3 and go to node number 3 with probability 2/3. Why everything will be OK? There is only one way, how you can stay in node 1, and probability is 1/2 * 2/3. There are two cases, how you can go to node number 2: stay on first step and go on second and go on first step and stay on second: probability will be 1/2*1/3 + 1/2*1/3 = 1/3. Finally, probability to be in node 3 is also 1/3.

Now, imagine, that we already covered n nodes and we have probabilites: 1/n, 1/n, ..., 1/n. Then we need to make one more step and have probabilites 1/(n+1), 1/(n+1), ... , 1/(n+1). How we can do it?

  1. If we are in the first node, we stay in it with probability n/(n+1) and go next with probability 1/(n+1).

  2. If we are in the second node, we stay in it with probability (n-1)/(n+1) and go next with probability 2/(n+1).

    n. If we are in node n, we stai in it with probability 1/(n+1) and go next with probability n/(n+1).

Why it is working? There is only one way how you can be in node 1: with probability 1/n* n/(n+1) = 1/(n+1). There is two options for node 2, with probability 1/n*(n-1)/(n+1) + 1/n* 1/(n+1) = 1/(n+1) and so on.

Finally, let us go to the code: we keep n and k values: n is number of nodes we count in list so far and k is current node we are in. Each moment of time we decide if we go to next node or rest in current. If we go to next, we increase k by one and change our ans node. Increase n in any case.

Complexity: time compexity is O(n) and you can not really do anything with if you are not allowed to use extra memory. Space complexity however only O(1), if we do not count our input.

class Solution:
    def __init__(self, head):
        self.head = head

    def getRandom(self):
        n, k = 1, 1
        head, ans = self.head, self.head
            n += 1
            head =
            if random.random() < k/n:
                ans =
                k += 1
        return ans.val

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