hash table
two pointers
binary search
Leetcode 0244 Shortest Word Distance II
Problem statement
Create hash table, which for each word have all indexes for this word in original list. Then when we given two words, we need to look into 2 corresponding values for our hash table, which are lists, and compare lists in $O(a+b)$, where $a$ and $b$ are the length of these lists — idea similar to merge sort.
In py code I use the trick that python uses timsort, which merge two sorted lists in linear time.
It is $O(n)$ to consturct data structure and $O(a+b)$, where $a$ and $b$ occurunces of words for shortest
function. Note, that it can also be done in $O(a\log b)$ or $O(b\log a)$ complexity, if we use binary search.
class WordDistance:
def __init__(self, wordsDict):
self.places = defaultdict(list)
for i, word in enumerate(wordsDict):
def shortest(self, word1, word2):
p1, p2 = self.places[word1], self.places[word2]
t = sorted([(i1, 1) for i1 in p1] + [(i2, 2) for i2 in p2])
return min(j[0]-i[0] for i,j in zip(t, t[1:]) if j[1] + i[1] == 3)