If we want to get O(n) time and O(1) space complexity, we need to do in in long way:

  1. Find middle of our list, we can do it with two pointers approach: one moving with speed 1 and another with speed 2 (or alternatively we can just evaluate length and then find middle). At the end of this step slow pointer will point to the end of first half.
  2. We need to reverse the second half of our linked list. For this we will use Problem 206. Reverse Linked List, the idea is to again use two pointers.
  3. Traverse in parallel first half and second half and compare element by element. If we have different element, we mark found = True. We do not return result immedietly, because we changed our list and we want to change it back.
  4. Reverse back second half of the list, and attach it back to the end of first half.


Time complexity is just O(n), however with constant around 5, because we traverse likst several times and inside each traversal we do several operations. This is the reason, why it will not be the fastest solution. Space complexity is just O(1), because we reattach already existing nodes.


class Solution:
    def isPalindrome(self, head):
        def reverse(head):
            curr = None
            nxt = head
            while nxt:
                tmp =
       = curr
                curr = nxt
                nxt = tmp
            return curr
        fast, slow = head, head
        while and
            fast =
            slow =
        half1, half2 = head, reverse(
        save = half2
        found = False
        while half1 and half2:
            if half1.val != half2.val:
                found = True
            half1 =
            half2 =
            = reverse(save)
        return not found

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