two pointers
hash table
Leetcode 0202 Happy Number
Problem statement
There is straightforward algorithm, where we put all numbers into dictionary with O(n)
time and memory.
However if we deal this problem as problem 0141 about cycle in linked list, we can solve it with only O(1)
memory, time complexity still be O(n)
but 2-3 slower, because we can do 2 full circles for fast iterator and one for slow.
Time complexity is O(log n)
, because it can be proved that each time number in decreased a lot.
class Solution:
def isHappy(self, n):
d = set()
while True:
n2 = sum(int(dig)**2 for dig in str(n))
if n2 == 1: return True
if n2 in d: return False
n = n2