Note, that we need to somehow sort our data, but be carefull about it: if we have 3, 32 and 31, then we need to choose 3 as the first element. However if we have 3, 34 and 32, then we need to chose 34 as the first element. So, let us for each two numbers x and y decide which one is better: we need to compare xy and yx and choose the best one: we work with x and y as with strings: for example for x = 3 and y = 32, we need to compare xy = 332 and yx = 323. Also it can be shown that if xy >= yx and yz >= zy, then xz >= zx, this means that we have transitivity property, and this is enough to ensure that our sort is consistent:

Complexity: time complexity is O(n log n), if we assume that we can make comparison in constant time. In practise, we use strings and compare them, so complexity will be ineed O(1). Space complexity is O(n) to keep sorted numbers.

Note I use cmp_to_key function from functools library, which is imported in leetcode already. Also in the end we can have results like 00, which we need to make 0, so we use str(int(...)) trick.

class Solution:
    def largestNumber(self, nums):
        compare = lambda a, b: -1 if a+b > b+a else 1 if a+b < b+a else 0
        return str(int("".join(sorted(map(str, nums), key = cmp_to_key(compare)))))

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