Note, that all depends on the place we have some symbol, for example: for s = DACB:

  1. We have symbol B on the last place, with stands for 2
  2. We have symbol C on the previous place, which stands for 3*26.
  3. We have symbol A on the previous place, which stands for 1*26*26.
  4. Finally, we have symbol D on the first place, which stands for 4*26*26*26.
  5. What we need to return in this case is 2+3*26+1*26*26+4*26*26*26.

Note, that is it very similar to base 26 numeral system, but not exactly it, here we do not have zeros. All this can be written as oneliner.

Complexity: Time complexity of this oneliner is O(n log n), where n is length of string. We need to iterate over all string and use 26**i. Time complexity can be easily reduced to O(n). Space complexity is O(n), which also can be reduced to O(1). But in this problem n is very small: n<=7, so it will not make a lot of difference

class Solution:
    def titleToNumber(self, s):
        return sum([(ord(T)-ord("A")+1)*26**i for i,T in enumerate(s[::-1])])

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