We need to check that some property holds for every node of our tree, so as usual any recursion method should work here. Let us use function dfs(node, low, high), where:

  1. node is node we are currently in
  2. low and high are bounds we expect to value of this node be in.

Now, let us go to the main algorithm:

  1. If we have None node, we are happy: empty tree is BST
  2. Next we check if low < node.val < high and if it is not true, we can immedietly return False.
  3. Finally, we check conditions for left children: its value should be in (low, node.val) and for right children: (node.val, high). If one of this dfs return False, we need to return False.

Complexity: time complexity is O(n) to traverse every node of our tree. Space complexity is O(h), where h is height of our tree.

class Solution:
    def isValidBST(self, root):
        def dfs(node, low, high):
            if not node: return True
            if not low < node.val < high: return False
            return dfs(node.left, low, node.val) and dfs(node.right, node.val, high)
        return dfs(root, -float("inf"), float("inf"))

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