Key insight: for given bar i with value h, how to find the biggest rectangle, which is ending with this bar? We need to find the previous smallest place, where value is less or equal than h: that is smallest j, such that j < i and heights[j] >= heights[i]. Ideal data structure for these type of problems is monostack: stack which has the following invariant: elements inside will be always in increasing order. To be more clear let us consired the following histogram [1,4,2,5,6,3,2,6,6,5,2,1,3]. Let us go element by element and understand what is going on.

  1. Stack is empty, so just put first bar of our histogram into stack: so we have stack = [1]. (actually what we put inside are indexes of bars, not values, but here we look at values for simplicity).
  2. Next we put bar 4, and we have [1, 4] now.
  3. Next, we have bar 2, which is less than 4. So, first we evaluate When we evaluate H and W: width and height rectangle we can construct, using last element of stack as height: they equal to 4 and 1. Next, we extract 4 and add 2 to stack, so we have [1, 2] bars in stack now.
  4. Next bar is bigger than 2, so just add it and we have [1, 2, 5]
  5. Next bar is bigger than 5, so just add it and we have [1, 2, 5, 6]
  6. Next bar is 3, so we need to extract some stuff from our stack, until it becomes increasing one. We extract 6, evaluate (H, W) = (6, 1) and extract 5 and evaluate (H, W) = (5, 2). Now we have [1, 2, 3] in our stack.
  7. Next bar is 2, it is smaller than stack[-1], so we again need to extract some stuff: we extract 3 and have (H, W) = (3, 3) and also we extract 2 and have (H, W) = (2, 5). Note here, why exactly we have W = 5: because we keep in stack indexes of our bars, and we can evaluate width as i - stack[-1] - 1. Now, we have stack = [1, 2]
  8. Next bar is 6, so just put it to stack and we have stack = [1, 2, 6].
  9. Next bar is 6 also, and we need to extract one last element from stack and put this new 6 to stack. (H, W) = (6, 1). Note, that we have in stack [1, 2, 6] again, but it is values, for indexes last index was increased by one.
  10. Next bar is 5, we extract last element from stack, have (H, W) = (6, 2) and put it to stack, so we have [1, 2, 5] now.
  11. Next bar is 2, so we again start to pop elements to keep increasing order: (H, W) = (5, 3) for fisrt step and (H, W) = (2, 9) for second step, now stack = [1, 2].
  12. Next bar is 1, so we have (H, W) = (2, 10) and then (H, W) = (1, 11) and stack = [1].
  13. Next bar is 3, so we just put it to stack and have [1, 3] in stack.
  14. Next bar is 0 (we added it to process border cases), so we have (H, W) = (3, 1) and (H, W) = (1, 13) and finally stack is empty.

Complexity is O(n), where n is number of bars, space complexity is O(n) as well.

class Solution:
    def largestRectangleArea(self, heights):
        stack, ans = [], 0
        for i, h in enumerate(heights + [0]):
            while stack and heights[stack[-1]] >= h:
                H = heights[stack.pop()]
                W = i if not stack else i-stack[-1]-1
                ans = max(ans, H*W)
        return ans

See also similar problems with monotonic deque idea:

239. Sliding Window Maximum 496. Next Greater Element I 739. Daily Temperatures 862. Shortest Subarray with Sum at Least K 901. Online Stock Span 907. Sum of Subarray Minimums 1687. Delivering Boxes from Storage to Ports

Please let me know if you know more problems with this idea

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