What we need to do in this problem is to find k-th element from the end, cut list in two parts and put second part after the first one. Let us do in it several steps:

  1. Find n, length of our list, just traverse it until we reached end.
  2. If k % n == 0, we do not need to rotate list, so return it as it is.
  3. Find element where we need to cut our list: it has number n - k%n, but we need to cut previous connection, so we stop one element earlier.
  4. Finally, put new head as, make connection between head and tail of original ist and remove connection between middle and its next, return new head.

Complexity is O(n) for time: we traverse our list twice at most; space complexity is O(1), we did not use any additional space.

class Solution:
    def rotateRight(self, head, k):
        if not head or not return head
        last, n = head, 1
            last =
            n += 1
        if k % n == 0: return head
        middle = head
        for i in range(n - k%n-1):
            middle =
        new_head = = head = None
        return new_head

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