I am not sure, why this problem is marked as hard, because we do not use any smart ideas to solve it: just do what is asked: traverse our intervals and merge them. Let us consider the case: intervals = [[1,2],[3,5],[6,7],[8,10],[12,16]], newInterval = [4,8] and go through our code:

  1. Interval [1,2] is before [4,8], that is y < I[0], so we just add it to our res.
  2. Interval [3,5] is not before [4,8] but not after also, so it is the third case and we need to update I: I = [3,8] now.
  3. Interval [6,7]: the same logic, update I = [3,8] now (it did not change though)
  4. Interval [8,10]: still condition number 3, so I = [3,10] now.
  5. Interval [12,16]: it is after our I, so this is condition number 2 and we break from our loop: i = 3 now.
  6. Outside loop we combine res = [1,2], I = [3,10] and intervals[4:] = [12,16].

Why we use i -= 1 inside our loop, before break? It can happen, that we did not visit this part and it means, that our suffix intervals[i+1:] should be empty.

Complexity: time complexity is O(n), space complexity is O(n) as well and additional space complexity (if we do not count our output) is O(1).

Note: that intstead of traversing our intervals with linear search, we can use binary search, however it will not reduce the overall complexity of algorithm, our result will have in average O(n) elements.

class Solution:
    def insert(self, intervals, I):
        res, i = [], -1
        for i, (x, y) in enumerate(intervals):
            if y < I[0]:
                res.append([x, y])
            elif I[1] < x:
                i -= 1
                I[0] = min(I[0], x)
                I[1] = max(I[1], y)
        return res + [I] + intervals[i+1:]

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