Problem statement


This is quite difficult problem, which can be solved with dymamic programming. As usual let us define dp[i] the length of the longest valid substring ending at i-th index. We can have several cases now:

  1. If i == -1, it means we reached empty string, return 0, answer for empty string. Also if s[i] = (, answer is also 0, because no valid parantheses can end with (
  2. Now, we have case, when s[i] = ). Let us look at the previous element. If it is equal to (, then we have () as two last elements and we can return dp(i-2) + 2.
  3. Now consider the case, when s[i-1] = ), it means, that we have the following situation: ...)). If we want to find the longest valid parentheses for i, first we need to deal with i-1. Define P = i - dp(i-1) - 1. Then we have the following situation:



Here on the top is the structure of string and in the bottom are indexes. String from P + 1 to i - 1 indexes including is the longest valid parentheses endind with i-1 place. What we can say about place P. If we have ) element on this place, then we need to return 0: in this case we have patten ...)(...))... and we know that answer for dp(P) is equal to 0: if it is not, what we considered was not the longest answer for i-1. And if answer for dp(P) is zero, than answer for dp(i) is zero as well. In the case, when we have ...((.....)), answer is dp(i-1) + dp(P-1) + 2.


Time complexity is $\mathcal{O}(n)$, space complexity as well.


class Solution:
    def longestValidParentheses(self, s):
        def dp(i):
            if i == -1 or s[i] == "(": return 0
            if i >= 1 and s[i-1:i+1] == "()": return dp(i-2) + 2
            P = i - dp(i-1) - 1
            if P >= 0 and s[P] == "(":
                return dp(i-1) + dp(P-1) + 2
            return 0
        return max(dp(i) for i in range(len(s))) if s else 0

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