linked list
two pointers
Leetcode 0019. Remove Nth Node From End of List
Problem statement
Two passes solution is straightforward. For one pass solution we use the idea of 2
iterators, let one of them start at the beginning, another at index n
, then when the second one is finished, the first one will be on the right place.
Time complexity is O(L)
, more precisely we make 2L-n
steps, where L
is length of list, space complexity is O(1)
. So it the end it is exactly the same as staightforward two passes solution. So, if you meet this problem in real interview, you can just explain two pass solution, and when interviewer say can you do better: explain him that another one pass solution in fact is exaclty the same time and space.
class Solution:
def removeNthFromEnd(self, head, n):
dummy = ListNode(0)
dummy.next = head
P1, P2 = dummy, dummy
for _ in range(n): P2 = P2.next
while P2.next:
P1 = P1.next
P2 = P2.next
P1.next = P1.next.next
return dummy.next