We take two pointers, one at the beginning and one at the end of the array constituting the length of the lines.

Futher, we maintain a variable max_area to store the maximum area obtained till now. At every step, we find out the area formed between them, update max_area and move the pointer pointing to the shorter line towards the other end by one step. We can visualize eliminating logic in the following way: imagine, that we have matrix of O(n^2) possible options, and each time we make a step we eliminate either row or column, that is why it is enough to make O(n) steps.

Complexity: Time complexity is O(n), space is O(1).

Imagine example, given in problem statement [1, 8, 6, 2, 5, 4, 8, 3, 7]. Let us denote by X point we already fully considered, that is such point, that for any other point we already checked all n-1 possible containers. At the first step we choose smallest, between 1 and 7 and mark 1 as fully visited:

[X, 8, 6, 2, 5, 4, 8, 3, 7]

Why we can do it: because among all containers which have 1 as one of endpoints, the biggest one is the longest one: heights of these containers can be 1 or less and length can be 7 or less.

Next step, we choose smallest between 8 and 7 and mark it by X as well, so we have:

[X, 8, 6, 2, 5, 4, 8, 3, X]

Why again we can mark last element by X? Because we have pairs of indexes: [0, 7], [1, 7], [2, 7], [3, 7], [4, 7], [5, 7], [6, 7]. First one no need to consider, we already did it, for the other pairs we can say that its heights is no more than 7 and length is no more than 6.

Let us know consider general case:

[X, X, X, ..., X, beg, . . . . . . . , end, X, X, X, X, ... X]

We have the following invariant (property which kept on each step) here: all points, marked as X already fully finished. Imagine now, that beg < end. Then we can mark beg as fully visited, if we check container [beg, end]. Why? There are 3 types of containers we can create, where one endpoint is equal to beg, the other endpoint can be:

  1. Point from the first group of X, but in this case we can say it is already checked, because one of its ends marked with X.
  2. Point from the last group of X, but it is exaclty the same logic here.
  3. Point in between beg and end. But in this case, length of this container will always be less or equal to end - beg and height of this container will be always less or equal to height[beg]. So, checking container [beg, end] we have the biggest possible option for containers, where one endpoint is beg and another is betweeen beg and end.

We have absolutely the same logic if beg > end. Also, if we have beg = end, then we can move any of them, we still will keep our invariant.

class Solution:
    def maxArea(self, height):
        max_area, beg, end = 0, 0, len(height) - 1
        while beg < end:
            max_area = max(max_area, min(height[beg], height[end]) * (end - beg))
            if height[beg] < height[end]:
                beg += 1
                end -= 1
        return max_area

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