topological sort
BinarySearch 1000 Matrix Relations
Problem statement
The idea is to use two topological sorts: one for columns and one for rows. What our topsort
function will retrun is dictionary of levels: if we have graph with edges [0, 1], [1, 2], [0, 3], [3, 2]
, then we have on the first layer [0]
, then we have [1, 3]
and finally we have [2]
. It means that 0
must be on the first row, [1, 3]
must be on the next row and finally 2
must be on the last row. Notice that it is given in problem statement that solution is unique. It means, that there will be always exactly n
It is O(V + E)
for time and space.
class Solution:
def solve(self, N, relations):
rdeg, cdeg = Counter(), Counter()
rlist = defaultdict(list)
clist = defaultdict(list)
keys = set()
for x, y, t in relations:
keys |= set([x, y])
xdeg = rdeg if t < 2 else cdeg
xlist = rlist if t < 2 else clist
a, b = [x, y][::1-(t%2)*2]
xdeg[b] += 1
xlist[a] += [b]
def topsort(indeg, elist):
ans = {}
Q = deque([(x, 0) for x in keys if not indeg[x]])
while Q:
index, d = Q.popleft()
ans[index] = d
for v in elist[index]:
if indeg[v] > 0:
indeg[v] -= 1
if indeg[v] == 0:
Q.append((v, d + 1))
return ans
rans = topsort(rdeg, rlist)
cans = topsort(cdeg, clist)
ans = [[-1] * N for _ in range(N)]
for x in keys:
ans[cans[x]][rans[x]] = x
return ans