BinarySearch 0935 Maximum Dropping Path Sum With Column Distance Cost
Problem statement
The idea is to given row is to recalculate next row with dp in linear time. For this we need to evaluate cumulative maximums of row[j] + j
when we go from left to right and cumulative maximums of row[j] - j
when we go from right to left. Then we can recauculate elements for the next row.
Notice that row[j] - abs(c - j) = (row[j] - j) + c
for c <= j
and row[j] - abs(c - j) = (row[j] + j) - c
for c >= j
It is O(mn)
for time and O(m)
for space.
class Solution:
def solve(self, M):
n, m = len(M), len(M[0])
row = M[0]
for i in range(1, n):
lft = list(accumulate([row[j] + j for j in range(m)], max))
rgh = list((accumulate([row[j] - j for j in range(m-1,-1,-1)], max)))[::-1]
row = [M[i][j] + max(rgh[j] + j, lft[j] - j) for j in range(m)]
return max(row)