binary search
two poitners
BinarySearch 0880 Minimize Absolute Difference of Three Numbers
Problem statement
Let us fix element in array B
and then look for closest elements in A
and C
, using binary search.
It is O(n log n)
, where n = max(len(A), len(B), len(C))
for time and O(n)
for space.
class Solution:
def solve(self, A, B, C):
A, C, ans = sorted(A), sorted(C), float("inf")
for x in B:
p1, p2 = float("inf"), float("inf")
i1 = bisect.bisect(A, x)
if i1 < len(A): p1 = min(p1, A[i1] - x)
if i1 > 0: p1 = min(p1, x - A[i1-1])
i2 = bisect.bisect(C, x)
if i2 < len(C): p2 = min(p2, C[i2] - x)
if i2 > 0: p2 = min(p2, x - C[i2-1])
ans = min(ans, p1 + p2)
return ans