Problem statement


Equal to Leetcode 1896. Minimum Cost to Change the Final Value of Expression.


Time complexity can be estimated as O(n), because in fact for every valid substring we have we will call it once. Space complexity is O(n) as well.


class Solution:
    def minOperationsToFlip(self, E):
        def corr(s):
            stack, d = [], {}
            for i, elem in enumerate(s):
                if elem == "(":
                elif elem == ")":
                    last = stack.pop()
                    d[i] = last
            return d

        def dfs(beg, end):
            if beg == end: return (int(E[beg]) , 1)
            beg2 = d.get(end, end)
            if beg2 == beg: return dfs(beg + 1, end - 1)
            p1, c1 = dfs(beg, beg2 - 2)
            p2, c2 = dfs(beg2, end)
            op = E[beg2 - 1]
            t = {"|": lambda x, y:x|y, "&": lambda x, y:x&y}
            c3 = 1 if p1 + p2 == 1 else min(c1, c2) + (p1^(op == "&"))
            return (t[op](p1, p2), c3)
        d = corr(E)
        return dfs(0, len(E) - 1)[1]