BinarySearch 0875 Fruit Basket Packing
Problem statement
A bit strange problem in my opinion. What we need to do here is to simulate process, but we need to follow order. So, for each cost, size, cnt in fruits
, we first find all full baskets avaliable and keep them in form (size, cost, number of such baskets)
. Similar logic is for not full baskets, we can have only 1
of them. Then we sort all candidates in correct order and use greedy strategy.
It is O(n log n)
for time and O(n)
for space.
class Solution:
def solve(self, fruits, k, s):
baskets, ans = [], 0
for cost, size, cnt in fruits:
if size > s: continue
x, _ = divmod(s, size)
f, r = divmod(cnt, x)
if x: baskets.append((x * size, x * cost, f))
if r: baskets.append((r * size, r * cost, 1))
for _, b_cst, b_aval in sorted(baskets, key=lambda b: (-b[0], b[1])):
if k == 0: break
taken = min(k, b_aval)
ans += taken * b_cst
k -= taken
return ans