BinarySearch 0874 Cluster Management
Problem statement
Similar to Leetcode Problem 1655 Distribute Repeating Integers, here we do not need to create counter. Also we need to do a bit of prunning to get AC in python: if mask_sum[mask] > sum(a[i:]): return False
means that we can not continue if total time of tasks to finish more than servers avaliable time.
It is O(n * 3^m)
for time and O(n * 2^m)
for space.
class Solution:
def solve(self, a, customers):
m = len(customers)
n = len(a)
mask_sum = [0]*(1<<m)
for mask, i in product(range(1<<m), range(m)):
if (1 << i) & mask:
mask_sum[mask] += customers[i]
def dfs(i, mask):
if mask == 0: return True
if i == n: return False
submask = mask
if mask_sum[mask] > sum(a[i:]): return False
while submask:
if mask_sum[submask] <= a[i] and dfs(i+1, mask ^ submask):
return True
submask = (submask-1) & mask
return dfs(i+1, mask)
return dfs(0, (1<<m) - 1)