BinarySearch 0774 Cheapest Bus Route
Problem statement
Solution 1
Let us create graph: start node: (index of bus, end node)
from our connections
list. Then we perform Dijkstra on this graph. Notice that nodes of our graph G
are in fact (idx of bus, location)
. Notice that price we need to pay is either 1
if we have new bus and 0
if it is the same bus.
It is O(E log E)
for time and O(E)
for space.
class Solution:
def solve(self, C):
G, n = defaultdict(list), -1
for f, t, idx in C:
G[f] += [(idx, t)]
n = max(n, f, t)
heap, V = [(0, -1, 0)], set()
while heap:
cost, idx, e = heappop(heap)
V.add((idx, e))
if e == n: return cost
for idx2, end in G[e]:
if (idx2, end) in V: continue
heappush(heap, (cost + (idx != idx2), idx2, end))
return -1
Solution 2
In fact we can do it with 0-1 weight bfs
It is O(E)
for time and space.
class Solution:
def solve(self, C):
G, n = defaultdict(list), -1
for f, t, idx in C:
G[f] += [(idx, t)]
n = max(n, f, t)
Q, V = deque([(0, -1, 0)]), set()
while Q:
cost, idx, e = Q.popleft()
V.add((idx, e))
if e == n: return cost
for idx2, end in G[e]:
if (idx2, end) in V: continue
if idx2 == idx: Q.appendleft((cost, idx2, end))
else: Q.append((cost + 1, idx2, end))
return -1